C++ Problem: Lotto Numbers

The problem is to write a program that checks if all the input numbers cover 1 to 99.

Each Pick-10 lotto ticket has 10 unique numbers ranging from 1 to 99. Suppose you buy a lot of tickets and would like to have them cover all numbers from 1 to 99. Write a program that reads the ticket numbers from a file and checks whether all numbers are covered. Assume the last number in the file is 0. Suppose the file contains the numbers

 80 3 87 62 30 90 10 21 46 27
12 40 83 9 39 88 95 59 20 37
80 40 87 67 31 90 11 24 56 77
11 48 51 42 8 74 1 41 36 53

52 82 16 72 19 70 44 56 29 33
54 64 99 14 23 22 94 79 55 2
60 86 34 4 31 63 84 89 7 78
43 93 97 45 25 38 28 26 85 49
47 65 57 67 73 69 32 71 24 66
92 98 96 77 6 75 17 61 58 13
35 81 18 15 5 68 91 50 76

Your program should display

The tickets cover all numbers

Suppose the file contains the numbers

11 48 51 42 8 74 1 41 36 53

52 82 16 72 19 70 44 56 29 33


Your program should display

The tickets don’t cover all numbers

How do you mark a number as covered? You can declare an array with 99 bool elements. Each element in the array can be used to mark whether a number is covered. Let the array be isCovered. Initially, each element is false, as shown in Figure 7.2a. Whenever a number is read, its corresponding element is set to true. Suppose the numbers entered are 1, 2, 3, 99, 0. When number 1 is read, isCovered[1 – 1] is set to true (see Figure 7.2b). When number 2 is read, isCovered[2 – 1] is set to true (see Figure 7.2c). When number 3 is read, isCovered[3 – 1] is set to true (see Figure 7.2d). When number 99 is read, set isCovered[99 – 1] to true (see Figure 7.2e).

The algorithm for the program can be described as follows:

for each number k read from the file,

mark number k as covered by setting isCovered[k – 1] true;

if every isCovered[i] is true

The tickets cover all numbers


The tickets don’t cover all numbers

The complete program is given in Listing 7.2

Listing 7.2 LottoNumbers.cpp

1 #include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
5 {
bool isCovered[99];
int number; // number read from a file
// Initialize the array
10   for (int i = 0; i < 99; i++)
11   isCovered[i] =
// Read each number and mark its corresponding element covered
14    cin >> number;
while (number != 0)
16    {
17        isCovered[number –
1] = true;
18        cin >> number;
19    }
// Check if all covered
22    bool allCovered = true; // Assume all covered initially
23    for (int i = 0; i < 99; i++)
if (!isCovered[i])
25    {
26        allCovered =
false; // Find one number not covered
27        break;
28    }
// Display result
31    if (allCovered)
32       cout <<
“The tickets cover all numbers” << endl;
34       cout << “The tickets don’t cover all numbers” << endl;
return 0;
37 }

Suppose you have created a text file named LottoNumbers.txt that contains the input data 2 5 6 5 4 3 23 43 2 0. You can run the program using the following command:

g++ LottoNumbers.cpp -o LottoNumbers.exe

LottoNumbers.exe < LottoNumbers.txt

The program can be traced as follows:

The program declares an array of 99 bool elements (line 6) and initializes each element to false (lines 10-11). It reads the first number from the file (line 14). The program then repeats the following operations in a loop:

  • If the number is not zero, set its corresponding value in array isCovered to true (line 17);
  • Read the next number (line 18).

When the input is 0, the input ends. The program checks whether all numbers are covered in lines 22-28 and displays the result in lines 31-34.

Source: Liang Y. Daniel (2013), Introduction to programming with C++, Pearson; 3rd edition.

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