Using a Java Client with MongoDB: Updating Data in MongoDB

In this section we shall update MongoDB data. We shall be using the UpdateDBDocument application. The MongoCollection<TDocument> class provides several methods, some of them overloaded, to find and update data as discussed in Table 1-8.

Some of the methods listed support only update operators in the update document. The update operators that may be applied on document fields are discussed in Table 1-9.

  1. In the UpdateDBDocument application create a MongoClient instance as discussed earlier and create a MongoDatabase instance for the local database. Subsequently, create a MongoCollection<TDocument> instance for the catalog collection. Add two instances of Catalog objects to the catalog collection using the insertOne(TDocument document) method.

Document catalog = new Document(“catalogId”, “catalog1”)

.append(“journal”, “Oracle Magazine”)

.append(“publisher”, “Oracle Publishing”)

.append(“edition”, “November December 2013”)

.append(“title”, “Engineering as a Service”)

.append(“author”, “David A. Kelly”);


catalog = new Document(“catalogId”, “catalog2”)

.append(“journal”, “Oracle Magazine”)

.append(“publisher”, “Oracle Publishing”)

.append(“edition”, “November December 2013”)

.append(“title”, “Quintessential and Collaborative”)

.append(“author”, “Tom Haunert”);


  1. As an example of using the updateOne(Bson filter, Bson update) method, update the edition and author fields of the Document instance with catalogId catalog1 using the update operator $set.

coll.updateOne(new Document(“catalogId”, “catalog1”),new Document(“$set”, new

Document(“edition”, “11-12 2013”).append(“author”, “Kelly, David A.”)));

  1. As an example of using the updateMany(Bson filter, Bson update) method, update the journal field of all Document instances using update operator $set.

coll.updateMany(new Document(“journal”, “Oracle Magazine”),

new Document(“$set”, new Document(“journal”, “OracleMagazine”)));

  1. As an example of using the replaceOne(Bson filter, TDocument replacement, UpdateOptions updateOptions) method, replace the Document instance with catalogId catalog3, which does not exist, with a new Document instance. Provide an UpdateOptions argument to upsert the Document if the query filter does not return a Document instance.

UpdateResult result = coll.replaceOne(new Document(“catalogId”,

“catalog3”),new Document(“catalogId”, “catalog3”).append(“journal”,

“Oracle Magazine”).append(“publisher”, “Oracle Publishing”).

append(“edition”, “November December 2013”).append(“title”,

“Engineering as a Service”).append(“author”, “David A. Kelly”),

new UpdateOptions().upsert(true));

  1. The replaceOne() method returns an UpdateResult object. Output the following:
  • The number of documents matched using the getMatchedCount() method of UpdateResult.
  • The number of documents modified using the getModifiedCount() method.

Not all matched documents may be modified.

  • The _id field value for the upserted document using the getUpsertedId() method. The _id field value has to be obtained using the asObjectId() method invocation followed by the getValue() method invocation.

System.out.println(“Number of documents matched: “+ result.getMatchedCount());

System.out.println(“Number of documents modified: “+ result.getModifiedCount());

System.out.println(“Upserted Document Id: “+ result.getUpsertedId().asObjectId(). getValue());

  1. To verify that the documents got updated or replaced, output all the documents in the catalog collection. Create a FindIterable<TDocument> for the documents in the catalog collection using the find() method. Subsequently, use an enhanced for loop to obtain the Document instances and output the key/value pairs in each Document instance as discussed earlier.

The UpdateDBDocument application is listed below.

package mongodb;

import java.util.Arrays;

import java.util.Iterator;

import java.util.Set;

import org.bson.Document;

import com.mongodb.MongoClient;

import com.mongodb.ServerAddress;

import com.mongodb.client.FindIterable;

import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection;

import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase;

import com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateOptions;

import com.mongodb.client.result.UpdateResult;

public class UpdateDBDocument {

public static void main(String[] args) {

MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(

Arrays.asList(new ServerAddress(“localhost”, 27017)));

MongoDatabase db = mongoClient.getDatabase(“local”);

MongoCollection<Document> coll = db.getCollection(“catalog”);

Document catalog = new Document(“catalogId”, “catalog1”)

.append(“journal”, “Oracle Magazine”)

.append(“publisher”, “Oracle Publishing”)

.append(“edition”, “November December 2013”)

.append(“title”, “Engineering as a Service”)

.append(“author”, “David A. Kelly”);


catalog = new Document(“catalogId”, “catalog2”)

.append(“journal”, “Oracle Magazine”)

.append(“publisher”, “Oracle Publishing”)

.append(“edition”, “November December 2013”)

.append(“title”, “Quintessential and Collaborative”)

.append(“author”, “Tom Haunert”);



new Document(“catalogId”, “catalog1”),

new Document(“$set”, new Document(“edition”, “11-12 2013”)

.append(“author”, “Kelly, David A.”)));

coll.updateMany(new Document(“journal”, “Oracle Magazine”),

new Document(“$set”, new Document(“journal”, “OracleMagazine”)));

UpdateResult result = coll.replaceOne(

new Document(“catalogId”, “catalog3”),
new Document(“catalogId”, “catalog3”)

.append(“journal”, “Oracle Magazine”)
.append(“publisher”, “Oracle Publishing”)
.append(“edition”, “November December 2013”)
.append(“title”, “Engineering as a Service”)
.append(“author”, “David A. Kelly”),

new UpdateOptions().upsert(true));

System.out.println(“Number of documents modified: “

+ result.getModifiedCount());

System.out.println(“Upserted Document Id: “

+ result.getUpsertedId().asObjectId().getValue());

FindIterable<Document> iterable = coll.find();

String documentKey = null;

for (Document document : iterable) {

Set<String> keySet = document.keySet();

Iterator<String> iter = keySet.iterator();

while (iter.hasNext()) {

documentKey =;





7. Again, before running the application drop the catalog collection with db.catalog.drop() command in mongo shell. To run the application right-click on in Package Explorer and select Run As ► Java Application as shown in Figure 1-17.

The output from the application is as follows.

Number of documents matched: 0

Number of documents modified: 0

Upserted Document Id: 55d4e56c0bc271d4a7002749








Oracle Publishing


11-12 2013


Engineering as a Service author

Kelly, David A.






OracleMagazine publisher Oracle Publishing edition

November December 2013 title

Quintessential and Collaborative


Tom Haunert






Oracle Magazine publisher Oracle Publishing edition

November December 2013 title

Engineering as a Service author

David A. Kelly

The updateOne() method example updates the edition and author fields of the document with catalogId as catalog1 using the update operator $set. The updateMany() method example sets the journal field of all documents to OracleMagazine using the update operator $set. As indicated in the output, the number of documents matched and modified are both 0 for the replaceOne() method example. Because UpdateOptions are set to upsert a document, a new document gets added when a Document instance for catalogId catalog3 is not found.

Source: Vohra Deepak (2015), Pro MongoDB™ Development, Apress; 1st ed. edition.

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