React is a JavaScript library created by Facebook. While AngularJS positions itself as a framework, React is very clear in its position as a library. React prides itself on being responsible for the visual aspect of the application, Just the UI, as the React landing page professes. By concerning itself modularly with this single aspect, React is relatively small in size compared to AngularJS and other one-stop-shop frameworks.
React employs a modular approach to the UI with the idea of components. Components are similar to the directives we used with AngularJS and to the idea of web components, that is, components are reusable pieces of UI functionality, adhering to the do one thing, do one thing well ideology. React really pushes the modular approach in how components are usually composed, with tight coupling between styles, HTML, and JavaScript.
Typically, all component-specific code is contained within one file. The HTML, the CSS rules, and the JS logic are all included within this file. While at first glance this approach arguably flies in the face of the approach of separation of concerns, it does totally separate the concerns of components from each other. In other words, making changes to one part of the application should have no impact on another.
React is famously fast when manipulating the DOM, using the virtual DOM approach to figuring out which parts of the UI to update as opposed to the dirty-checking technique employed by AngularJS. The virtual DOM is essentially the idea of keeping a copy of the real DOM in memory and updating the copy with necessary changes. The virtual DOM is then periodically compared with the real DOM; any differences then result in that specific piece of the DOM being reevaluated and rerendered.
React also promotes the usage of JSX with React applications. JSX is a programming language that compiles into JavaScript, thus requiring a compilation step in the development process. JSX offers a layer of object-oriented style programming on top of JavaScript, such as Java-like class systems and static typing.
Now, let’s set up React.
1. Setting up React
There are several ways of getting set up with React. As the React team maintains an NPM package, we will use NPM as we have done throughout this book. From the terminal, let’s pull down React through NPM. We will use 0.14.6 version of React:
npm install react@0.14.6
With that, we have downloaded React to src/node_modules/react. Here, you will see react.js, react-dom.js, and react-dom-server.js, along with their minified versions. Here, react.js is the core React library, react-dom.js takes responsibility for the actual rendering of the React components in the DOM, and react-dom-server.js allows for server-side rendering of React components.
Create a copy of src/index.html to src/index-react.html, and add the minified versions of React and ReactDOM to the footer of the page:
<script src=”node_modules/react/react.min.js”></script>
<script src=”node_modules/react/react-dom.min.js”></script>
We also need to include Babel, a JavaScript compiler that caters to JSX. Babel is available on NPM. However, Babel maintains a version of its library for browsers on a CDN. Include the following in the footer of our page:
<script src=” 5.8.23/browser.min.js”></script>
The browser.min.js file will transform any JSX code in HTML, within script tags with a type attribute with the text/babel value. Let’s test it out to ensure that we have everything set up correctly. Above our footer, add a div with an id of test:
<div id=”test”></div>
Next, let’s write the simplest of React components. At the bottom of index-react.html, after the footer element, include the following:
<script type=”text/babel”>
<div className=’container-fluid myphoto-section bg-myphoto-
Let’s walk through what is happening here. First, as we said earlier, our script tag needs a type attribute with the text/babel value so that Babel knows to compile it into JavaScript before execution. Within the script tags, we have our first real interaction with React: ReactDOM and its render function. The render function takes two arguments here: the first is raw HTML, and the second is an element selector. What is happening here is pretty self-explanatory; we want React to find the test element and replace it with the HTML we passed as the first parameter. You may note that in our HTML, we have a className attribute. We use className instead of class, as class is a reserved word in JavaScript.
The className attribute is converted to class when the component is rendered in the DOM. Open index-react.html and check whether we now have a Test section in our Page
Figure 9.2: The Test section displaying as expected
We are now all set up to integrate React into MyPhoto. Let’s do something more substantial. We will convert the carousel in the Gallery component into a React component. Before we get to that, remove the test component, both the div and the JSX we added.
2. Making a Gallery component in React
To understand how we can integrate React with our application, we will make a reusable Gallery component using React. The first thing we will do is create a new file, src/app/components/gallery.js, and include it in the head of index-react.html:
<script type=”text/babel” src=”app/components/gallery.js”></script>
Note the type attribute, again set to text/babel, so that gallery.js will be compiled to JavaScript at runtime. As you can imagine, this is a slow operation. This method is recommended to be used only for development purposes. For production, all JSX should be precompiled into JavaScript. For the purposes of this example, we will continue with the runtime-compile method.
Let’s add some code to gallery.js. Take the gallery markup, the div element with the id gallery-carousel, and its nested elements, and add it to gallery.js as the first argument for ReactDOM.render. Ensure that you also change the class attributes to className:
<div id=”gallery-carousel” className=”carousel slide” data-ride=”carousel” data-interval=”3000″>
<div className=”carousel-inner” role=”listbox”>
<div className=”carousel-item active”>
<img className=”d-block img-fluid” data-modal-
<div className=”carousel-caption”>
<div className=”carousel-item”>
<img className=”d-block img-fluid” data-modal-
<div className=”carousel-caption”>
Datsun 260Z
<div className=”carousel-item”>
<img className=”d-block img-fluid” data-modal-
<div className=”carousel-caption”>
<a className=”left carousel-control” href=”#gallery- carousel” role=”button” data-slide=”prev”>
<span className=”icon-prev” aria-hidden=”true”></span>
<a className=”right carousel-control” href=”#gallery-
carousel” role=”button” data-slide=”next”>
<span className=”icon-next” aria-hidden=”true”></span>
<ol className=”carousel-indicators”>
<li data-target=”#gallery-carousel” data-slide-to=”0″ className=”active”></li>
<li data-target=”#gallery-carousel” data-slide-to=”1″></li>
<li data-target=”#gallery-carousel” data-slide-to=”2″></li>
The second argument we pass is an element selector, targeting an element with an id of react-gallery. Replace the gallery-carousel element in index-react.js with the target element for the gallery.js React component:
<div id=”react-gallery”></div>
Open index-react.html and we should see the Gallery component, but this time it is being generated by React:
Figure 9.3: The React Gallery component
Oh, that isn’t what we want. Obviously, something has gone wrong here. Let’s check out the browser’s Developer Console to see whether there are any errors reported:
Figure 9.4: Chrome’s Developer Console displaying errors
So, Babel has thankfully given us an explicit error; it is expecting a closing tag for the img tags in gallery.js. Let’s ensure that all of our img tags are closed in gallery.js:
<div className=”carousel-item active”>
<img className=”d-block img-fluid” data-modal- picture=”#carouselModal” src=”images/ brazil.png”/>
<div className=”carousel-caption”>
<div className=”carousel-item”>
<img className=”d-block img-fluid” data-modal- picture=”#carouselModal” src=”images/datsun.png” />
<div className=”carousel-caption”>
Datsun 260Z </div>
<div className=”carousel-item”>
<img className=”d-block img-fluid” data-modal- picture=”#carouselModal” src=”images/skydive.png”/>
<div className=”carousel-caption”>
In the preceding example, note that we need to ensure that we use handlebar expressions when defining inline styles, as React parses the style attribute as an object, rather than a string.
Let’s give index-react.html another go, and we should now have our React-powered Gallery tab:
Figure 9.5: The functioning React Gallery component displaying an image of the Botanical Garden in Rio de Janeiro
That’s great! We now have a functioning React component, but it isn’t exactly reusable in terms of a carousel. If we wanted another carousel elsewhere, we would need to create another component. Let’s make the carousel reusable by passing in options to the React component.
3. Using carousel in React
To write a reusable component like this, we create the component as a custom React class. This class essentially returns the markup to be rendered by ReactDOM.render, but gives us more power to manipulate our template. Like AngularJS directive, custom React classes are extensions of the DOM, allowing us to create new DOM tags. For example, we can create a Carousel element. Note that custom React classes always begin with an uppercase letter:
Before we do anything, let’s analyze the component we have and understand which values we want to make mutable. In the root element, the id and data-interval values need to be changeable. The component also needs to allow the images and caption to be set. Ideally, this should be passed to the component as an array. Finally, the component needs to take in the value for data-modal-picture.
In all, the component needs to take four values. So, the markup for the component will look something like this:
<Carousel id=”<value>” interval=”<value>” carousel-modal-
picture=”<value>” carousel-images=”<[images]”></Carousel>
In gallery.js, we can access component attributes using this.props. Wrapping this.props with curly braces allows these attribute values to be accessed within the markup of the component code. Add the following to the beginning of gallery.js:
var Carousel = React.createClass({
render: function () {
var props = this.props
return (
<div id={} className=”carousel slide”
data-ride=”carousel” data-interval={props.interval}>
<div className=”carousel-inner” role=”listbox”>
{, index) {
var itemClass;
if (index === 0)
itemClass = “active”
itemClass = “” return (
<div className={ ‘carousel-item ‘ +
itemClass } key={index}>
<img className=”d-block img-fluid”
data-modal-picture={‘#’ +
src={item.src} />
<div className=”carousel-caption”>
<a className=”left carousel-control” href={‘#’ + }
role=”button” data-slide=”prev”>
<span className=”icon-prev” aria-hidden=”true”>
<a className=”right carousel-control” href={‘#’ + }
role=”button” data-slide=”next”>
<span className=”icon-next” aria-hidden=”true”>
<ol className=”carousel-indicators”>
{, index) {
var liClass;
if (index === 0)
liClass = “active”
liClass = “”
return (
<li data-target={‘#’ + } data-slide-
to={index} className={ liClass }></li>
We have created a new React class using React.createClass, which has a render property. The render property is simply a function that returns an HTML template. The template is essentially the markup for the gallery-carousel component, except that we are accessing some dynamic properties. We have replaced all references to the carousel id with, all references to the id of the modal window to open up the carousel modal to this.props.carouselModalPicture, and the data-interval to this.props.interval. We will come back to the images and the captions later. We assign this custom React class to the variable Carousel variable.
Now that we have this reusable class, we no longer need the template within the ReactDOM.render function. Replace the function with the following:
<Carousel id=”gallery-carousel” interval=”3000″
We are now using the Carousel tag in the render method. We are passing three attributes to Carousel – id, interval, and carouselModalPicture. The values of these attributes will then be used in the template returned by Carousel. render. ReactDOM. render will then replace the react-gallery element in index-react .html with the carousel template, with these defined attributes. Check it out and see whether we have a fully- functioning carousel in the Gallery tab. Change some of the attribute values and see whether the carousel component works as expected.
Now, let’s put the images and image captions in as an option. In reality, these values would come from an API, or they will be otherwise dynamically generated. For the sake of this example, we will create a variable with the array of values. To demonstrate that the values are being passed through as an attribute, we will change the captions slightly. Add the following to the beginning of gallery.js:
var carouselImages = [
src: “images/brazil.png”,
caption: “Lake in Brazil”
src: “images/datsun.png”,
caption: “Datsun Fairlady Z”
src: “images/skydive.png”,
caption: “Team Skydive”
Now, we can pass carouselImages as an attribute of the Carousel tag:
<Carousel id=”gallery-carousel” interval=”3000″
carouselModalPicture=”carouselModal” images={carouselImages}>
In the carousel template, we need to loop through the data passed into the images attribute and create a new slide for each entry as well as a new indicator in the carousel- indicators list. We will loop through the dataset using the map function. As map creates a closure, we first need to create a reference to this. props, as this will be different in the context of the closure. At the beginning of the render function, assign this.props to props:
var props = this.props
Next, remove the slides from the carousel-inner element and add the following:
{, index) {
var itemClass;
if (index === 0) {
itemClass = “active”
} else {
itemClass = “”
return (
<div className={ ‘carousel-item ‘ + itemClass } key=
<img className=”d-block img-fluid” data-modal-picture={‘#’
+ props.carouselModalPicture} src={item.src} />
<div className=”carousel-caption”>
We are looping through props.images using the map function. We want to set the first slide in the array to be the active slide, so we check its index and assign the itemClass variable accordingly. We then define the template for the slide. We pass itemClass into the className attribute to denote the initially active slide; we then use the item.src property as the src of the img element and item.caption as the caption of the slide. Next, remove all the list items from the carousel-indicators list, replacing them with the following:
{, index) {
var liClass;
if (index === 0) {
liClass = “active”
} else {
liClass = “”
return (
<li data-target={‘#’ + } data-slide-to
={index} className={ liClass }></li>
Similarly, we loop through the images and assign the first slide as the active slide. That is everything our component needs to create our Gallery carousel. Let’s check it out:
Figure 9.6: The functioning React Gallery component displaying an image of the Botanical Garden in Rio de Janeiro
As you can see from the caption, the carousel is loading from the imagesCarousel array. Now we have a customizable, reusable, and easily maintainable React-powered carousel component that can be used anywhere across MyPhoto.
Source: Jakobus Benjamin, Marah Jason (2018), Mastering Bootstrap 4: Master the latest version of Bootstrap 4 to build highly customized responsive web apps, Packt Publishing; 2nd Revised edition.