Introduction to Parallel Computing in Unix/Linux

In the early days, most computers have only one processing element, known as the processor or Central Processing Unit (CPU). Due to this hardware limitation, computer programs are traditionally written for serial computation. To solve a problem, a person would first design an algorithm, which describes how to solve the problem step by step, and then implement the algorithm by a computer program as a serial stream of instructions. With only a single CPU, both the individual instructions and the steps of an algorithm can only be executed sequentially one at a time. However, algorithms based on the principle of divide and conquer, e.g. binary search and quicksort, etc. often exhibit a high degree of parallelism, which can be exploited by using parallel or concurrent executions to speed up the computation. Parallel computing is a computing scheme which tries to use multiple processors executing parallel algorithms to solve problems faster. In the past, parallel computing is rarely accessible to average programmers due to its extensive requirements of computing resources. With the advent of multicore processors in recent years, most operating systems, such as Linux, support Symmetrical Multiprocessing (SMP). Parallel computing has become a reality even for average programmers. The future of computing is clearly in the direction of parallel computing. It is imperative to introduce parallel computing to Computer Science and Computer Engineering students in an early stage. In this chapter, we shall cover the basic concepts and techniques of parallel computing through concurrent programming.

1. Sequential Algorithms vs. Parallel Algorithms

When describing sequential algorithms, a common way is to express the algorithm in a begin-end block, as show in the left-hand side of the following diagram.

The sequential algorithm inside the begin-end block may consist of many steps. All the steps are to be performed by a single task serially one step at a time. The algorithm ends when all the steps have completed. In contrast, the right-hand side of the diagram shows the description of a parallel algorithm, which uses a cobegin-coend block to specify separate tasks of a parallel algorithm. Within the cobegin-coend block, all tasks are to be performed in parallel. The next step following the cobegin- coend block will be performed only after all such tasks have completed.

2. Parallelism vs. Concurrency

In general, a parallel algorithm only identifies tasks that can be executed in parallel, but it does not specify how to map the tasks to processing elements. Ideally, all the tasks in a parallel algorithm should be executed simultaneously in real time. However, true parallel executions can only be achieved in systems with multiple processing elements, such as multiprocessor or multicore systems. On single CPU systems, only one task can execute at a time. In this case, different tasks can only execute concurrently, i.e. logically in parallel. In single CPU systems, concurrency is achieved through multitasking, which was covered in Chap. 3. We shall explain and demonstrate the principle and techniques of multitasking again in a programming project at the end of this chapter.

Source: Wang K.C. (2018), Systems Programming in Unix/Linux, Springer; 1st ed. 2018 edition.

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