Your profile is a public view of, essentially, your portfolio. To view your profile, click your avatar and then choose Your profile from the menu that appears. You can see my profile in Figure 2-5.
The top menu bar of your profile offers quick links to your repositories, things you’ve starred, your followers, and anyone that you follow. Below that are repositories that you’re often visiting and your contribution graph. The contribution graph tracks how much code you’ve written per day. You can choose to include contributions to private repositories and an activity overview, which is a new feature.
The amount and frequency at which you write code is not the bar by which software development is measured. It is true that the more you practice, the better you will be, but the practice you do must be deliberate. Making random code changes every single day without challenging yourself, or giving yourself time to think, design, and plan the code you want to write, is much worse than missing a white square.
Source: Guthals Sarah, Haack Phil (2019), GitHub for Dummies, Wiley.