This is the default method used by browsers for positioning HTML elements and represents the normal flow of elements on a page, where the elements are displayed in the order as they appear in an HTML document. Starting at the top-left corner of the containing block, block-level elements are positioned one on top of the next, and inline elements are positioned one after another horizontally, wrapping to the next line when space runs out on the current line. The value used with the position property to achieve the method is static and the syntax is position: static. However, since it is the default positioning method, it is normally not necessary to specify it, except when changing to it from another positioning type. Note also that static positioning is not affected by the box offset properties, since specifying static is essentially specifying default positioning. Figures 12.1 and 12.2 show how specifying static positioning does not affect the normal flow of the elements on a page.
Source: Sklar David (2016), HTML: A Gentle Introduction to the Web’s Most Popular Language, O’Reilly Media; 1st edition.