Node.js: Introducing Socket.IO

The aim of Socket.IO is to make real-time apps possible in every browser and mobile device. It supports several transport protocols, choosing the best one for the specific browser.

Look up the technical definition for the phrase real-time and you’ll see the real-time web is not truly real-time. The actual meaning of real-time involves software with strict time boundaries that must respond to events within a specified time constraint. It is typically used in embedded systems to respond to button presses, for applications as diverse as junk food dispensers and medical devices in intensive care units. Eat too much junk food and you could end up in intensive care, and you’ll be served by real-time software in both cases. Try and remember the distinction between different meanings for this phrase.

The proponents of the so-called real-time web should be calling it the pseudo-real- time-web, but that’s not as catchy a phrase.

What does it mean that Socket.IO uses the best protocol for the specific browser? If you were to implement your application with WebSockets, it would be limited to the modern browsers supporting that protocol. Because Socket.IO falls back on so many alternative protocols (WebSockets, Flash, XHR, and JSONP), it supports a wider range of web browsers.

As the application author, you don’t have to worry about the specific protocol Socket.IO uses with a given browser. Instead, you can implement the business logic and the library takes care of the details for you.

The Socket.IO package includes both a server-side package and a client library. After an easy configuration, the two will communicate back and forth over a socket. The API between the server side and client side is very similar. Because a Socket.IO application runs code in both browser and server, in this chapter we will be writing code for both.

The model that Socket.IO provides is similar to the EventEmitter object. The programmer uses the .on method to listen for events and the .emit method to send them. But with Socket.IO, an event is sent not just using its event name, but is targeted to a combination of two spaces maintained by Socket.IO – the namespace and the room. Further, the events are sent between the browser and the server rather than being limited to the Node.js process.

On the server side, we wrap the HTTP Server object using the Socket.IO library, giving us the Socket.IO Server object. The Server object lets us create two kinds of communication spaces, namespaces, and rooms. With it we can send messages, using the emit method, either globally or into one of those spaces. We can also listen for messages, using the on method, either globally or from a namespace or room.

On the client side, we load the library from the Socket.IO server. Then, client code running in the browser opens one or more communication channels to the server, and the client can connect to namespaces or rooms.

This high-level overview should help to understand the following work. Our next step is to integrate Socket.IO into the initialization of the Notes application.

Source: Herron David (2020), Node.js Web Development: Server-side web development made easy with Node 14 using practical examples, Packt Publishing.

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