Program Development with Unix/Linux

1. Program Development Steps

The steps of developing an executable program are as follows.

(1). Create source files: Use a text editor, such as gedit or emacs, to create one or more source files of a program. In systems programming, the most important programming languages are C and assembly. We begin with C programs first.

Standard comment lines in C comprises matched pairs of /* and */. In addition to the standard comments, we shall also use // to denote comment lines in C code for convenience. Assume that t1.c and t2.c are the source files of a C program.

/********************** t1.c file *****************************/

int g = 100;                  // initialized global variable

int h;                        // uninitialized global variable

static int s;                 // static global variable

main(int argc, char *argv[ ]) // main function


int a = 1; int b;           // automatic local variables

static int c = 3;           // static local variable

b = 2;

c = mysum(a,b);             // call mysum(), passing a, b

printf(“sum=%d\n”, c);      // call printf()


/********************** t2.c file ****************************/

extern int g;                 // extern global variable

int mysum(int x, int y)       // function heading


return x + y + g;


2. Variables in C

Variables in C programs can be classified as global, local, static, automatic and registers, etc. as shown in Fig. 2.3.

Global variables are defined outside of any function. Local variables are defined inside functions. Global variables are unique and have only one copy. Static globals are visible only to the file in which they are defined. Non-static globals are visible to all the files of the same program. Global variables can be initialized or uninitialized. Initialized globals are assigned values at compile time. Uninitialized globals are cleared to 0 when the program execution starts. Local variables are visible only to the function in which they are defined. By default, local variables are automatic; they come into existence when the function is entered and they logically disappear when the function exits. For register variables, the compiler tries to allocate them in CPU registers. Since automatic local variables do not have any allocated memory space until the function is entered, they cannot be initialized at compile time. Static local variables are permanent and unique, which can be initialized. In addition, C also supports volatile variables, which are used as memory-mapped I/O locations or global variables that are accessed by interrupt handlers or multiple execution threads. The volatile keyword prevents the C compiler from optimizing the code that operates on such variables.

In the above t1.c file, g is an initialized global, h is an uninitialized global and s is a static global. Both g and h are visible to the entire program but s is visible only in the t1.c file. So t2.c can reference g by declaring it as extern, but it cannot reference s because s is visible only in t1.c. In the main() function, the local variables a, b are automatic and c is static. Although the local variable a is defined as int a = 1, this is not an initialization because a does not yet exist at compile time. The generated code will assign the value 1 to the current copy of a when main() is actually entered.

3. Compile-Link in GCC

(2). Use gcc to convert the source files into a binary executable, as in

gcc tl.c t2.c

which generates a binary executable file named a.out. In Linux, cc is linked to gcc, so they are the same.

(3). What’s gcc? gcc is a program, which consists of three major steps, as shown in Fig. 2.4.

Step 1. Convert C source files to assembly code files: The first step of cc is to invoke the C COMPILER, which translates .c files into .s files containing assembly code of the target machine. The C compiler itself has several phases, such as preprocessing, lexical analysis, parsing and code generations, etc, but the reader may ignore such details here.

Step 2. Convert assembly Code to OBJECT code: Every computer has its own set of machine instructions. Users may write programs in an assembly language for a specific machine. An ASSEMBLER is a program, which translates assembly code into machine code in binary form. The resulting .o files are called OBJECT code. The second step of cc is to invoke the ASSEMBLER to translate .s files to .o files. Each .o file consists of

. a header containing sizes of CODE, DATA and BSS sections

. a CODE section containing machine instructions

. a DATA section containing initialized global and initialized static local variables

. a BSS section containing uninitialized global and uninitialized static local variables

. relocation information for pointers in CODE and offsets in DATA and BSS

. a Symbol Table containing non-static globals, function names and their attributes.

Step 3: LINKING: A program may consist of several .o files, which are dependent on one another. In addition, the .o files may call C library functions, e.g. printf(), which are not present in the source files. The last step of cc is to invoke the LINKER, which combines all the .o files and the needed library functions into a single binary executable file. More specifically, the LINKER does the following:

. Combine all the CODE sections of the .o files into a single Code section. For C programs, the combined Code section begins with the default C startup code crtO.o, which calls main(). This is why every C program must have a unique main() function.

. Combine all the DATA sections into a single Data section. The combined Data section contains only initialized globals and initialized static locals.

. Combine all the BSS sections into a single bss section.

. Use the relocation information in the .o files to adjust pointers in the combined Code section and offsets in the combined Data and bss sections.

. Use the Symbol Tables to resolve cross references among the individual .o files. For instance, when the compiler sees c = mysum(a, b) in t1.c, it does not know where mysum is. So it leaves a blank (0) in t1.o as the entry address of mysum but records in the symbol table that the blank must be replaced with the entry address of mysum. When the linker puts t1.o and t2.o together, it knows where mysum is in the combined Code section. It simply replaces the blank in t1.o with the entry address of mysum. Similarly for other cross referenced symbols. Since static globals are not in the symbol table, they are unavailable to the linker. Any attempt to reference static globals from different files will generate a cross reference error. Similarly, if the .o files refer to any undefined symbols or function names, the linker will also generate cross reference errors. If all the cross references can be resolved successfully, the linker writes the resulting combined file as a.out, which is the binary executable file.

4. Static vs. Dynamic Linking

There are two ways to create a binary executable, known as static linking and dynamic linking. In static linking, which uses a static library, the linker includes all the needed library function code and data into a.out. This makes a.out complete and self-contained but usually very large. In dynamic linking, which uses a shared library, the library functions are not included in a.out but calls to such functions are recorded in a.out as directives. When execute a dynamically linked a.out file, the operating system loads both a.out and the shared library into memory and makes the loaded library code accessible to a.out during execution. The main advantages of dynamic linking are:

. The size of every a.out is reduced.

. Many executing programs may share the same library functions in memory.

. Modifying library functions does not need to re-compile the source files again.

Libraries used for dynamic linking are known as Dynamic Linking Libraries (DLLs). They are called Shared Libraries (.so files) in Linux. Dynamically loaded (DL) libraries are shared libraries which are loaded only when they are needed. DL libraries are useful as plug-ins and dynamically loaded modules.

5. Executable File Format

Although the default binary executable is named a.out, the actual file format may vary. Most C

compilers and linkers can generate executable files in several different formats, which include

  • Flat binary executable: A flat binary executable file consists only of executable code and initialized data. It is intended to be loaded into memory in its entirety for execution directly. For example, bootable operating system images are usually flat binary executables, which simplifies the boot-loader.
  • out executable file: A traditional a.out file consists of a header, followed by code, data and bss sections. Details of the a.out file format will be shown in the next section.
  • ELF executable file: An Executable and Linking Format (ELF) (Youngdale 1995) file consists of one or more program sections. Each program section can be loaded to a specific memory address. In Linux, the default binary executables are ELF files, which are better suited to dynamic linking.

6. Contents of a.out File

For the sake of simplicity, we consider the traditional a.out files first. ELF executables will be covered in later chapters. An a.out file consists of the following sections:

  • header: the header contains loading information and sizes of the a.out file, where

tsize = size of Code section;

dsize = size of Data section containing initialized globals and static locals;

bsize = size of bss section containing uninitialized globals and static locals;

total_size = total size of a.out to load.

  • Code Section: also called the Text section, which contains executable code of the program. It begins with the standard C startup code crt0.o, which calls main().
  • Data Section: The Data section contains initialized global and static data.
  • Symbol table: optional, needed only for run-time debugging.

Note that the bss section, which contains uninitialized global and static local variables, is not in the a. out file. Only its size is recorded in the a.out file header. Also, automatic local variables are not in a.out. Figure 2.5 shows the layout of an a.out file.

In Fig. 2.5, _brk is a symbolic mark indicating the end of the bss section. The total loading size of a. out is usually equal to _brk, i.e. equal to tsize+dsize+bsize. If desired, _brk can be set to a higher value for a larger loading size. The extra memory space above the bss section is the HEAP area for dynamic memory allocation during execution.

7. Program Execution

Under a Unix-like operating system, the sh command line

a.out one two three

executes a.out with the token strings as command-line parameters. To execute the command, sh forks a child process and waits for the child to terminate. When the child process runs, it uses a.out to create a new execution image by the following steps.

  • Read the header of a.out to determine the total memory size needed, which includes the size of a stack space:

TotalSize = _brk + stackSize

where stackSize is usually a default value chosen by the OS kernel for the program to start. There is no way of knowing how much stack space a program will ever need. For example, the trivial C program

main(){ main(); }

will generate a segmentation fault due to stack overflow on any computer. So the usual approach of an OS kernel is to use a default initial stack size for the program to start and tries to deal with possible stack overflow later during run-time.

  • It allocates a memory area of TotalSize for the execution image. Conceptually, we may assume that the allocated memory area is a single piece of contiguous memory. It loads the Code and Data sections of a.out into the memory area, with the stack area at the high address end. It clears the bss section to 0, so that all uninitialized globals and static locals begin with the initial value 0. During execution, the stack grows downward toward low address.
  • Then it abandons the old image and begins to execute the new image, which is shown in Fig.2.6.

In Fig. 2.6, _brk at the end of the bss section is the program’s initial “break” mark and _splimit is the stack size limit. The Heap area between bss and Stack is used by the C library functions malloc()/free() for dynamic memory allocation in the execution image. When a.out is first loaded, _brk and _splimit may coincide, so that the initial Heap size is zero. During execution, the process may use the brk (address) or sbrk(size) system call to change _brk to a higher address, thereby increasing the Heap size. Alternatively, malloc() may call brk() or sbrk() implicitly to expand the Heap size. During execution, a stack overflow occurs if the program tries to extend the stack pointer below _splimit. On machines with memory protection, this will be detected by the memory management hardware as an error, which traps the process to the OS kernel. Subject to a maximal size limit, the OS kernel may grow the stack by allocating additional memory in the process address space, allowing the execution to continue. A stack overflow is fatal if the stack cannot be grown any further. On machines without suitable hardware support, detecting and handling stack overflow must be implement in software.

  • . Execution begins from crt0.o, which calls main(), passing as parameters argc and argv to main(), which can be written as

int main( int argc, char *argv[ ] ) { … . }

where argc = number of command line parameters and each argv[ ] entry points to a corresponding command line parameter string.

8. Program Termination

A process executing a.out may terminate in two possible ways.

  • Normal Termination: If the program executes successfully, main() eventually returns to crt0.o, which calls the library function exit(0) to terminate the process. The exit(value) function does some clean-up work first, such as flush stdout, close I/O streams, etc. Then it issues an _exit(value) system call, which causes the process to enter the OS kernel to terminate. A 0 exit value usually means normal termination. If desired, a process may call exit(value) directly without going back to crt0.o. Even more drastically, a process may issue an _exit(value) system call to terminate immediately without doing the clean-up work first. When a process terminates in kernel, it records the value in the _exit(value) system call as the exit status in the process structure, notifies its parent and becomes a ZOMBIE. The parent process can find the ZOMBIE child, get its pid and exit status by the system call

pid = wait(int *status);

which also releases the ZMOBIE child process structure as FREE, allowing it to be reused for another process.

  • Abnormal Termination: While executing a.out the process may encounter an error condition, such as invalid address, illegal instruction, privilege violation, etc. which is recognized by the CPU as an exception. When a process encounters an exception, it is forced into the OS kernel by a trap. The kernel’s trap handler converts the trap error type to a magic number, called a SIGNAL, and delivers the signal to the process, causing it to terminate. In this case, the exit status of the ZOMBIE process is the signal number, and we may say that the process has terminated abnormally. In addition to trap errors, signals may also originate from hardware or from other processes. For example, pressing the Control_C key generates a hardware interrupt, which sends the number 2 signal SIGINT to all processes on that terminal, causing them to terminate. Alternatively, a user may use the command

kill -s signal_number pid # signal_number = 1 to 31

to send a signal to a target process identified by pid. For most signal numbers, the default action of a process is to terminate. Signals and signal handling will be covered later in Chap.6.

Source: Wang K.C. (2018), Systems Programming in Unix/Linux, Springer; 1st ed. 2018 edition.

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