This section shows you how to work with an entire file at once, as opposed to manipulating just a few lines of a file. PHP provides special functions for reading or writing a whole file in a single step.
Reading a File
To read the contents of a file into a string, use file_get_contents(). Pass it a filename, and it returns a string containing everything in the file. Example 9-2 reads the file in Example 9-1 with file_get_contents(), modifies it with str_replace(), and then prints the result.
Example 9-1. page-template.html for Example 9-2
<body bgcolor=”{color}”>
<h1>Hello, {name}</h1>
Example 9-2. Using file_get_contents() with a page template
// Load the template file from the previous example
$page = file_get_contentsCpage-template.html’);
// Insert the title of the page
$page = str_replace(‘{page_title}’, ‘Welcome’, $page);
// Make the page blue in the afternoon and
// green in the morning
if (date(‘H’ >= 12)) {
$page = str_replace(‘{color}’, ‘blue’, $page);
} else {
$page = str_replace(‘{color}’, ‘green’, $page);
// Take the username from a previously saved session
// variable
$page = str_replace(‘{name}’, $_SESSION[‘username’], $page);
// Print the results
print $page;
With $_SESSION[‘username’] set to Jacob, Example 9-2 prints:
<body bgcolor=”green”>
<h1>Hello, Jacob</h1>
1. Writing a File
The counterpart to reading the contents of a file into a string is writing a string to a file. And the counterpart to file_get_contents() is file_put_contents(). Example 9-3 extends Example 9-2 by saving the HTML to a file instead of printing it.
Example 9-3. Saving a file with file_put_contents()
// Load the template file we used earlier
$page = file_get_contentsCpage-template.html’);
// Insert the title of the page
$page = str_replace(‘{page_title}’, ‘Welcome’, $page);
// Make the page blue in the afternoon and
// green in the morning
if (date(‘H’ >= 12)) {
$page = str_replace(‘{color}’, ‘blue’, $page);
} else {
$page = str_replace(‘{color}’, ‘green’, $page);
// Take the username from a previously saved session
// variable
$page = str_replace(‘{name}’, $_SESSION[‘username’], $page);
// Write the results to page.html
file_put_contents(‘page.html’, $page);
Example 9-3 writes the value of $page (the HTML) to the file page.html. The first argument to file_put_contents() is the filename to write to, and the second argument is what to write to the file.
Source: Sklar David (2016), Learning PHP: A Gentle Introduction to the Web’s Most Popular Language, O’Reilly Media; 1st edition.