Using the Template Directives in AngularJS

Data bindings are the core feature of AngularJS views, but on their own they are pretty limited. Web applications—or any kind of application for that matter—tend to operate on collections of similar data objects and vary the view they present to the user based on different data values.

Fortunately, AngularJS includes a set of directives that can be used to generate HTML elements using templates, making it easy to work with data collections and to add basic logic to a template that responds to the state of the data. I have summarized the template directives in Table 10-4.

These directives help you put simple logic into views without having to write any JavaScript code. As I explained in Chapter 3, the logic in views should be restricted to generating the content required to display data, and these directives all fit into that definition.

1. Generating Elements Repeatedly

One of the most common tasks in any view is to generate the same content for each item in a collection of data.

In AngularJS this is done with the ng-repeat directive, which is applied to the element that should be duplicated. Listing 10-4 contains a simple example of using the ng-repeat directive.

Listing 10-4. Using the ng-repeat Directive in the directives.html File


<div id=”todoPanel” class=”panel” ng-controller=”defaultCtrl”> <h3 class=”panel-header”>To Do List</h3>

<table class=”table”>








<tr ng-repeat=”item in todos”>








This is the simplest and most common way of using the ng-repeat directive: to generate rows for a table element using a collection of objects. There are two parts to using the ng-repeat directive. The first is to specify the source of the data objects and the name by which you want to refer to the object that is being processed from within the template:

<tr ng-repeat=”item in todos”>

The basic format of the value for the ng-repeat directive attribute is <variable> in <source>, where source is an object or array defined by the controller $scope, in this example the todos array. The directive iterates through the objects in the array, creates a new instance of the element and its content, and then processes the templates it contains. The <variable> name assigned in the directive attribute value can be used to refer to the current data object. In my example, I used the variable name item:

<tr ng-repeat=”item in todos”>




In my example, I generate a tr element that contains td elements that, in turn, contain inline data bindings that refer to the action and complete properties of the current object. If you navigate to the directives.html file in the browser, AngularJS will process the directive and generate the following HTML elements:


<!– ngRepeat: item in todos –>

<tr ng-repeat=”item in todos” class=”ng-scope”>

<td class=”ng-binding”>Get groceries</td>

<td class=”ng-binding”>false</td>


<tr ng-repeat=”item in todos” class=”ng-scope”>

<td class=”ng-binding”>Call plumber</td>

<td class=”ng-binding”>false</td>


<tr ng-repeat=”item in todos” class=”ng-scope”>

<td class=”ng-binding”>Buy running shoes</td>

<td class=”ng-binding”>true</td>


<tr ng-repeat=”item in todos” class=”ng-scope”>

<td class=”ng-binding”>Buy flowers</td>

<td class=”ng-binding”>false</td>


<tr ng-repeat=”item in todos” class=”ng-scope”>

<td class=”ng-binding”>Call family</td>

<td class=”ng-binding”>false</td>



You will see that AngularJS has generated a comment to make it easier to see which directive generated the elements and has added the generated elements to some classes (these are used internally by AngularJS). Figure 10-4 illustrates the effect of this HTML in the browser window.

Tip You will need to use your browser’s F12 developer tools to see these elements, rather than the View HTML or View Page Source menu. Most browsers will display the HTML they receive from the server only through the View Page Source menu, which won’t contain the elements that AngularJS generates from templates. The developer tools show you the live Document Object Model, which reflects the changes that AngularJS makes.

1.1. Repeating for Object Properties

The previous example used the ng-repeat directive to enumerate the objects in an array, but you can also enumerate the properties of an object. The ng-repeat directive can also be nested, and you can see how I have combined these features to simplify my template in Listing 10-5.

Listing 10-5. Repeating Object Properties and Nesting the ng-repeat Directive in the directives.html File

<table class=”table”>








<tr ng-repeat=”item in todos”>

<td ng-repeat=”prop in item”>{{prop}}</td>




The outer ng-repeat directive generates a tr element for each object in the todos array, and each object is assigned to the item variable. The inner ng-repeat directive generates a td element for each property of the item object and assigns the value of the property to the prop variable. Finally, the prop variable is used for a one-way data binding as the contents of the td element. This produces the same result as the previous example but will adapt fluidly to generate td elements for any new properties that are defined on the data objects. This is a simple example, but it gives a sense of the flexibility available when working with AngularJS templates.

1.2. Working with Data Object Keys

There is an alternative syntax for the ng-repeat directive configuration that allows you to receive a key with each property or data object that is processed. You can see an example of this syntax in Listing 10-6.

Listing 10-6. Receiving a Key Along with a Data Value in the directives.html File

<tr ng-repeat=”item in todos”>

<td ng-repeat=”(key, value) in item”>




Instead of a single variable name, I have specified two names separated by a comma within parentheses. For each object or property that the ng-repeat directive enumerates, the second variable will be assigned the data object or property value. The way the first variable is used depends on the source of the data. For objects, the key is the current property name, and for collections the key is the position of the current object. I am enumerating the properties of an object in the listing, so the value of key will be the property name, and value will be assigned the property value. Here is an example of the HTML element that this ng-repeat directive will generate, with the values inserted by the data bindings to the key and value variables emphasized:

<tr ng-repeat=”item in todos” class=”ng-scope”>

<!– ngRepeat: (key, value) in item –>

<td ng-repeat=”(key, value) in item” class=”ng-scope

action=Get groceries


<td ng-repeat=”(key, value) in item” class=”ng-scope




1.3. Working with the Built-in Variables

The ng-repeat directive assigns the current object or property to the variable you specify, but there is also a set of built-in variables that provide context for the data being processed. You can see an example of one of them applied in Listing 10-7.

Listing 10-7. Using a Built-in ng-repeat Variable in the directives.html File

<table class=”table”>








<tr ng-repeat=”item in todos”>

<td>{{$index + l}}</td>

<td ng-repeat=”prop in item”>





I added a new column to the table that contains the to-do items and used the $index variable, which is provided by the ng-repeat directive, to display the position of each item in the array. Since JavaScript collection indexes are zero-based, I simply add one to $index, relying on the fact that AngularJS will evaluate JavaScript expressions in data bindings. You can see the effect in Figure 10-5.

The $index variable is the one that I find most useful, but I have described the complete set in Table 10-5.

You can use these variables to control the elements you generate. A typical use of these variables is to create the classic striping effect for table elements, which I have shown in Listing 10-8.

Listing 10-8. Creating a Striped Table Using the ng-repeat Directive in the directives.html File

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html ng-app=”exampleApp”>



<script src=”angular.js”></script>

<link href=”bootstrap.css” rel=”stylesheet” />

<link href=”bootstrap-theme.css” rel=”stylesheet” />


angular.module(“exampleApp”, [])

.controller(“defaultCtrl”, function ($scope) {

$scope.todos = [

{ action: “Get groceries”, complete: false },

{ action: “Call plumber”, complete: false },

{ action: “Buy running shoes”, complete: true },

{ action: “Buy flowers”, complete: false },

{ action: “Call family”, complete: false }];




.odd { background-color: lightcoral}

.even { background-color: lavenderblush}




<div id=”todoPanel” class=”panel” ng-controller=”defaultCtrl”>

<h3 class=”panel-header”>To Do List</h3>

<table class=”table”>








<tr ng-repeat=”item in todos” ng-class=”$odd ? ‘odd’ : ‘even'”>

<td>{{$index + l}}</td>

<td ng-repeat=”prop in item”>{{prop}}</td>






I have used the ng-class directive, which sets the class attribute of an element using a data binding. I use a JavaScript ternary expression to assign elements to either the odd or even class based on the value of the $odd variable. You can see the result in Figure 10-6.

Tip I explain the ng-class directive in Chapter 11, along with two related directives that are often used with ng-repeat: ng-class-even and ng-class-odd. As their names suggest, these directives set the value of the class attribute based on the $odd and $even variables defined by the ng-repeat directive.

Although this is the standard demonstration for the ng-repeat variables, most CSS frameworks can stripe tables, and this includes Bootstrap, as I demonstrated in Chapter 4. The real power of these variables comes when they are used in conjunction with other, more complex directives. Listing 10-9 provides a demonstration.

Listing 10-9. A More Complex ng-repeat Variable Example in the directives.html File

<table class=”table”>








<tr ng-repeat=”item in todos” ng-class=”$odd ? ‘odd’ : ‘even'”>

<td>{{$index + 1}}</td>


<tdxspan ng-if=”$first || $last”>{{item.complete}}</span></td>



I have used the ng-if directive in this example, which I describe properly in Chapter 11. For now, it is enough to know that the ng-if directive will remove the element it is applied to if the expression it evaluates is false. I used this directive to control the presence of a span element in the Done column of the table, ensuring that it is displayed for only the first and last items.

2. Repeating Multiple Top-Level Elements

The ng-repeat directive repeats a single top-level element and its contents for each object or property that it processes. There are times, however, when you need to repeat multiple top-level elements for each data object. I encounter this problem most often when I need to generate multiple table rows for each data item that I am processing—something that is difficult to achieve with ng-repeat because no intermediate elements are allowed between tr elements and their parents. To address this problem, I can use the ng-repeat-start and ng-repeat-end directives, as shown in Listing 10-10.

Listing 10-10. Using the ng-repeat-start and ng-repeat-end Directives in the directives.html File

<table class=”table”>


<tr ng-repeat-start=”item in todos”>

<td>This is item {{$index}}</td>



<td>The action is: {{item.action}}</td>


<tr ng-repeat-end>

<td>Item {{$index}} is {{$item.complete? ” : “not “}} complete</td>




The ng-repeat-start directive is configured just like ng-repeat, but it repeats all of the top-level elements (and their contents) until (but including) the element to which the ng-repeat-end attribute has been applied. In this example, it means I am able to generate three tr elements for each object in the todos array.

3. Working with Partial Views

The ng-include directive retrieves a fragment of HTML content from the server, compiles it to process any directives that it might contain, and adds it to the Document Object Model. These fragments are known as partial views.

To demonstrate how this works, I have added an HTML file called table.html to the web server angularjs folder. You can see the contents of the new file in Listing 10-11.

Listing 10-11. The Contents of the table.html File

<table class=”table”>








<tr ng-repeat=”item in todos” ng-class=”$odd ? ‘odd’ : ‘even'”>

<td>{{$index + 1}}</td>

<td ng-repeat=”prop in item”>{{prop}}</td>



This file contains the fragment of HTML that defines the table element from earlier examples, complete with data bindings and directives—a simple partial view. In Listing 10-12, you can see how I can use the ng-include directive to load, process, and insert the table.html file into the main document.

Listing 10-12. Using the ng-include Directive in the directives.html File

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html ng-app=”exampleApp”>



<script src=”angular.js”></script>

<link href=”bootstrap.css” rel=”stylesheet” />

<link href=”bootstrap-theme.css” rel=”stylesheet” />


angular.module(“exampleApp”, [])

.controller(“defaultCtrl”, function ($scope) {

$scope.todos = [

{ action: “Get groceries”, complete: false },

{ action: “Call plumber”, complete: false },

{ action: “Buy running shoes”, complete: true },

{ action: “Buy flowers”, complete: false },

{ action: “Call family”, complete: false }];




<div id=”todoPanel” class=”panel” ng-controller=”defaultCtrl”>

<h3 class=”panel-header”>To Do List</h3>

<ng-include src=”‘table.html'”></ng-include>




This is the first of the built-in directives that can be used as an HTML element as well as an attribute or class. As the listing illustrates, the name of the directive is used as the element tag name, like this:

<ng-include src=”‘table.html'”></ng-include>

The custom element is used just like any of the standard ones. The ng-include directive supports three configuration parameters, and when used like an element, they are applied as attributes.

You can see the first of these parameters in the listing: The src attribute sets the location of the partial view file I want loaded, processed, and added to the document. For this example, I have specified the table.html file. When AngularJS processes the directive.html file, it encounters the ng-include directive and automatically makes an Ajax request for the table.html file, processes the file contents, and adds them to the document. I have described the three configuration parameters in Table 10-6, although it is src that interests us in this chapter.

The contents of files loaded by the ng-include directive are processed as though they were defined in situ, meaning you have access to the data model and behaviors defined by the controller and, if you use the ng-include directive within the ng-repeat directive, the special variables such as $index and $first that I described earlier in this chapter.

3.1. Selecting Partial Views Dynamically

My previous example demonstrated how the ng-include directive can be used to break a view into multiple partial view files. This is, in and of itself, a useful feature, and it allows you to create reusable partial views that can be applied throughout an application to avoid duplication and ensure consistent presentation of data.

That’s all well and good, but you may have noticed something a little odd in the way that I specified which file the ng-include directive should request from the server:

<ng-include src=“‘table.html'”></ng-include>

I specified the table.html file as a string literal, denoted by the single-quote characters. I had to do this because the src attribute is evaluated as a JavaScript expression, and to statically define a file, I have to surround the file name with single quotes.

The real power of the ng-include directive comes from the way that the src setting is evaluated. To demonstrate how this works, I have created a new partial view file called list.html in the web server angularjs folder. You can see the content of the new file in Listing 10-13.

Listing 10-13. The Contents of the list.html File


<li ng-repeat=”item in todos”>


<span ng-if=”item.complete”> (Done)</span>



This file contains a fragment of new markup that I have not used in previous examples. I use an ol element to denote an ordered list and use the ng-repeat directive on an li element to generate list items for each to-do. I use the ng-if directive, which I applied in a previous example (and explain fully in Chapter 11) to control the inclusion of a span element for those to-do items that are complete. Now that I have two partial views that can display the to-do items, I can use the ng-include directive to switch between them, as shown in Listing 10-14.

Listing 10-14. Using the ng-include Directive to Process Fragments Dynamically in the directives.html File

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html ng-app=”exampleApp”>



<script src=”angular.js”></script>

<link href=”bootstrap.css” rel=”stylesheet” />

<link href=”bootstrap-theme.css” rel=”stylesheet” />


angular.module(“exampleApp”, [])

.controller(“defaultCtrl”, function ($scope) {

$scope.todos = [

{ action: “Get groceries”, complete: false },

{ action: “Call plumber”, complete: false },

{ action: “Buy running shoes”, complete: true },

{ action: “Buy flowers”, complete: false },

{ action: “Call family”, complete: false }];

$scope.viewFile = function () {

return $scope.showList ? “list.html” : “table.html”;






<div id=”todoPanel” class=”panel” ng-controller=”defaultCtrl”>

<h3 class=”panel-header”>To Do List</h3>

<div class=”well”>

<div class=”checkbox”>


<input type=”checkbox” ng-model=”showList”>

Use the list view




<ng-include src=”viewFile()”></ng-include>




I have defined a behavior called viewFile in the controller that returns the name of one of the two fragment files I created based on the value of a variable called showList. If showList is true, then the viewFile behavior returns the name of the list.html file; if showList is false or undefined, then the behavior returns the name of the table.html file.

The showList variable is initially undefined, but I have added a check box input element that sets the variable when it is checked using the ng-model directive, which I described earlier in this chapter. The user can change the value of the showList variable by checking or unchecking the element.

The final link in this chain is to change the way I apply the ng-include directive so that the src attribute gets its value from the controller behavior, which I do as follows:

<ng-include src=”viewFile()”></ng-include>

The AngularJS data binding feature will keep the check box and the value of the showList variable synchronized, and the ng-include directive will change the content it loads and displays in concert with the showList value. You can see the effect of checking and unchecking the box in Figure 10-7.

4. Using the ng-include Directive as an Attribute

Since this is the first directive I have described that can be expressed as an element, I am going to take a moment and show you how can achieve the same effect using an attribute. To start with, Listing 10-15 shows the ng-include directive applied as an element with the src and onload attributes set. You have seen src used in the previous examples. The onload attribute is used to specify an expression that will be evaluated when content is loaded; I have specified a call to the reportChange behavior that I added to the example and that writes a message to the JavaScript console reporting the name of the content file used. The onload attribute isn’t especially interesting, but I want to use multiple configuration options to show you.

Listing 10-15. Using the ng-include Directive as an Element with Multiple Options in the directives.html File

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html ng-app=”exampleApp”>



<script src=”angular.js”></script>

<link href=”bootstrap.css” rel=”stylesheet” />

<link href=”bootstrap-theme.css” rel=”stylesheet” />


angular.module(“exampleApp”, [])

.controller(“defaultCtrl”, function ($scope) {

$scope.todos = [

{ action: “Get groceries”, complete: false },

{ action: “Call plumber”, complete: false },

{ action: “Buy running shoes”, complete: true },

{ action: “Buy flowers”, complete: false },

{ action: “Call family”, complete: false }];

$scope.viewFile = function () {

return $scope.showList ? “list.html” : “table.html”;


$scope.reportChange = function () {

console.log(“Displayed content: ” + $scope.viewFile());






<div id=”todoPanel” class=”panel” ng-controller=”defaultCtrl”>

<h3 class=”panel-header”>To Do List</h3>

<div class=”well”>

<div class=”checkbox”>


<input type=”checkbox” ng-model=”showList”>

Use the list view




<ng-include src=”viewFile()” onload=”reportChange()”x/ng-include>




Now, assuming I cannot use a custom element—or that I just prefer not to—I can rewrite this example to apply the ng-include directive as a custom attribute on a standard HTML element, as shown in Listing 10-16.

Listing 10-16. Applying the ng-include Directive as an Attribute in the directives.html File

<div ng-include=”viewFile()” onload=”reportChange()”></div>

The ng-include attribute can be applied to any HTML element, and the value of the src parameter is taken from the attribute value, which is viewFile() in this case. The other directive configuration parameters are expressed as separate attributes, which you can see with the onload attribute. This application of the ng-include directive has exactly the same effect as using the custom element.

5. Conditionally Swapping Elements

The ng-include directive is excellent for managing more significant fragments of content in partial, but often you need to switch between smaller chucks of content that are already within the document—and for this, AngularJS provides the ng-switch directive. You can see how I have applied this directive in Listing 10-17.

Listing 10-17. Using the ng-switch Directive in the directives.html File

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html ng-app=”exampleApp”>



<script src=”angular.js”></script>

<link href=”bootstrap.css” rel=”stylesheet” />

<link href=”bootstrap-theme.css” rel=”stylesheet” />


angular.module(“exampleApp”, [])

.controller(“defaultCtrl”, function ($scope) {

$ = {};

$scope.todos = [

{ action: “Get groceries”, complete: false },

{ action: “Call plumber”, complete: false },

{ action: “Buy running shoes”, complete: true },

{ action: “Buy flowers”, complete: false },

{ action: “Call family”, complete: false }];





<div id=”todoPanel” class=”panel” ng-controller=”defaultCtrl”>

<h3 class=”panel-header”>To Do List</h3>

<div class=”well”>

<div class=”radio” ng-repeat=”button in [‘None’, ‘Table’, ‘List’]”>


<input type=”radio” ng-model=”data.mode”

value=”{{button}}” ng-checked=”$first” />





<div ng-switch on=”data.mode”>

<div ng-switch-when=”Table”>

<table class=”table”>




<tr ng-repeat=”item in todos” ng-class=”$odd ? ‘odd’ : ‘even'”>

<td>{{$index + l}}</td>

<td ng-repeat=”prop in item”>{{prop}}</td>




<div ng-switch-when=”List”>


<li ng-repeat=”item in todos”>

{{item.action}}<span ng-if=”item.complete”> (Done)</span>




<div ng-switch-default>

Select another option to display a layout






I start this example by using the ng-repeat directive to generate a set of radio buttons that use two-way data bindings to set the value of a model property called data.mode. The three values defined by the radio buttons are None, Table, and List and use each to represent a layout to display the to-do items.

Tip Notice that I have defined the scope property mode as a property on an object called data. This is required because of the way that AngularJS scopes inherit from one another and how some directives—including ng-model— create their own scopes. I explain how this works in Chapter 13.

The rest of the example demonstrates the ng-switch directive, which lets me display a different set of elements for each value that the data.mode property will be set to. You can see the result in Figure 10-8, and I explain the different parts of the directive after the figure.

Tip The ng-switch directive can be applied as an element, but the ng-switch-when and ng-switch-default sections have to be applied as attributes. Because of this, I tend to use ng-switch as an attribute as well for consistency.

The ng-switch directive is applied with an on attribute that specifies the expression that will be evaluated to decide which region of content will be displayed, as follows:

<div ng-switch on=”data.mode”>

In this example, I have specified that the value of the data.mode model property—the one that the radio buttons manage—will be used. You then use the ng-switch-when directive to denote a region of content that will be associated with a specific value, like this:

<div ng-switch-when=”Table”>

<tabie ciass=”tabie”>

<!– elements omitted for brevity –>



<div ng-switch-when=”List”>


<!– elements omitted for brevity –>



AngularJS will show the element to which the ng-switch-when directive has been applied when the attribute value matches the expression defined by the on attribute. The other elements within the ng-switch directive block are removed. The ng-switch-default directive is used to specify content that should be displayed when none of the ng-switch-when sections matches, as follows:

<div ng-switch-default>

Select another option to display a layout


The ng-switch directive responds to changes in the value of its data binding, which is why clicking a radio button in the example causes the layout to change.

6. Hiding Unprocessed Inline Template Binding Expressions

When working with complex content on slow devices, there can be a moment when the browser displays the HTML in the document while AngularJS is still parsing the HTML, processing the directives, and generally getting ready. In this interval, any inline template expressions you have defined will be visible to the user, as I have illustrated in Figure 10-9.

Most devices have pretty good browsers these days with JavaScript implementations that are quick enough to prevent this from being a problem; in fact, I had to work pretty hard to capture the screenshot shown in the figure because desktop browsers are so fast that the situation doesn’t arise.

But it does happen—especially if you are targeting older devices/browsers—and there are two ways to solve the problem. The first is to avoid using inline template expressions and stick with the ng-bind directive. I described this directive at the start of the chapter and made the point that it is ungainly when compared to inline expressions.

A better alternative is to use the ng-cloak directive, which has the effect of hiding content until AngularJS has finished processing it. The ng-cloak directive uses CSS to hide the elements to which it is applied, and the AngularJS library removes the CSS class when the content has been processed, ensuring that the user never sees the {{ and }} characters of a template expression. You can apply the ng-cloak directive as broadly or selectively as you want.

A common approach is to apply the directive to the body element, but that just means that the user sees an empty browser window while AngularJS processes the content. I prefer to be more selective and apply the directive only to the parts of the document where there are inline expressions, as shown in Listing 10-18.

Listing 10-18. Selectively Applying the ng-cloak Directive to the directives.html File


<div id=”todoPanel” class=”panel” ng-controller=”defaultCtrl”>

<h3 class=”panel-header”>To Do List</h3>

<div class=”well”>

<div class=”radio” ng-repeat=”button in [‘None’, ‘Table’, ‘List’]”>

<label ng-cloak>

<input type=”radio” ng-model=”data.mode”

value=”{{button}}” ng-checked=”$first”>





<div ng-switch on=”data.mode” ng-cloak>

<div ng-switch-when=”Table”>

<table class=”table”>




<tr ng-repeat=”item in todos” ng-class=”$odd ? ‘odd’ : ‘even'”>

<td>{{$index + 1}}</td>

<td ng-repeat=”prop in item”>{{prop}}</td>




<div ng-switch-when=”List”>


<li ng-repeat=”item in todos”>

{{item.action}}<span ng-if=”item.complete”> (Done)</span> </li>



<div ng-switch-default>

Select another option to display a layout </div>




Applying the directive to the sections of the document that contain template expressions leaves the user able to see the static structure of a page, which still isn’t ideal but is a lot better than just an empty window. You can see the effect the directive creates in Figure 10-10 (and, of course, the full app layout is revealed to the user when AngularJS finishes processing the content).

Source: Freeman Adam (2014), Pro AngularJS (Expert’s Voice in Web Development), Apress; 1st ed. edition.

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