Users Manager is accessed by clicking the User Manager listed on the right of the main “Site “Control Panel. You can also use the top menu bar, Users ➤ User Manager. The Users Manager menu item type has several options, as shown in Figure 7-70:
- Edit User Profiles: Displays the user’s profile in edit mode
- Login Form: Displays the login form in the content area of the page
- Password Reset: Displays a password request form that can be used to reset user’s password
- Registration Form: Displays user’s registration form
- User Profile: Displays the user’s profile
- Username Reminder Request: Displays a form that can be used to remind a user of a username
1. Login Form
This menu item type displays a login form so that a visitor can log in to the site. Open the New Electronics Among Cameras And Cell Phones menu item in edit mode. From the Menu Item Type combo box, select the Login option under the Users Manager menu item type category (see Figure 7-71). Leaving the values of other fields to their default, click the Save & Close icon to save the changes.
To configure the login form, click the Options tab. The Options tab displays the fields for configuring the login form, as shown in Figure 7-72.
Table 7-4 gives a brief description of the Login Form options.
On the front side of the website, you’ll see a login form, as shown in Figure 7-73.
2. Registration Form
This menu item type allows visitors to your web site to register, as shown in Figure 7-74.
3. Username Reminder Request
This menu item type is used to help visitors who have forgotten their username. It displays a layout asking the visitor to enter his or her e-mail address, as shown in Figure 7-75. The username will be e-mailed to the visitor.
When you submit the e-mail address of an existing user (for this example, assume that is the e-mail address of a user named peter), you get a message saying that the username is e-mailed to the user, as shown in Figure 7-76.
Open the e-mail and you’ll find that the username is supplied as expected.
4. Password Reset
This menu item type displays a default layout form for visitors who have forgotten their password. The visitor is asked to enter his or her e-mail address, as shown in Figure 7-77. The user is sent a verification token and can then reset the password.
On submitting the e-mail address, you get a dialog box to enter the verification token that is sent via e-mail. On opening the e-mail, you’ll notice that the token is a long string of numbers and characters. You need to copy this verification token and paste it into the Token field; then click the Submit button.
On sending the verification token, you’ll get a screen for entering a new password. Enter any password in the Password field, duplicate it in the Verify Password field, and then click the Submit button. The password will be reset, and a confirmation message will be displayed.
5. Registration Form
This menu item type displays a welcome message when the user enters the registered zone. The welcome message may look something like Figure 7-78.
6. Edit User Profiles
This menu item type allows users to edit their account details, including the password, e-mail address, front- end language, and time zone (see Figure 7-79). Users with publishing permissions may choose a text editor, and those with administrator permissions may choose the help site they want to use on the back end.
7. Web Links
This menu item type has following options, as shown in Figure 7-80:
- List All Web Link Categories
- List Web Links in a Category
- Submit a Web Link
To help you understand this menu item type, let’s create a web link category called Camera and a web link called Camera Magazine belonging to the Camera category. Open the Web Links Category Manager by selecting the Components Web Links Categories. You’ll see the default Web Links categories, as shown in Figure 7-81.
Click the New button from the toolbar to create a new Web Links category. You’ll see a screen similar to the one shown in Figure 7-82. Let’s specify the title as Camera and the alias as camera. Enter a short description in the Description field, keep all the other settings at their defaults, and click the Save & Close icon to save it.
Next, you’ll create a web link in this category. Let’s select the Components ➤ Web Links ➤ Links option to open the Web Link Manager. In the Web Link Manager, click the New icon from the toolbar to create a new web link. Let’s create a web link by the name Camera Magazine that will open the site when selected (as shown in Figure 7-83).
In the Title field, enter the name Camera Magazine. In the Alias field (though it can be left blank), enter the alias as camera-magazine. Set the Status field to the Published option to make it visible. Set the Category of the web link to Camera, and in the URL field, specify any web site or web page location that you want to open when selecting the menu item. Enter in this field. Keeping the rest of the options at their defaults, click the Save & Close icon from the toolbar to save the web link.
Now that you have created a web link and a web link category, you are in a position to explore the Web Link menu item types.
8. List All Web Link Categories
This menu item type displays a list of all the web link categories. The user may click a category to see the links for that category. The web site will display output like that shown in Figure 7-84.
Besides the default web link categories provided by Joomla, this menu item type displays the custom web link category, Camera. If you click the Camera link, you’ll see the web links in it, as shown in Figure 7-85.
If you select the Camera Magazine web link, you will be navigated to the web site because it is the URL that you specified in this web link (refer to Figure 7-83).
9. List Web Links in a Category
This menu item type displays a list of all the web links in the selected category. For example, if you select the Camera category, as shown in Figure 7-86, it will display all the web links in that category.
Note In case you create a category for weblinks with a few links within that category, you can create a weblinks module or menu item to display all weblink categories or all links within one weblink category.
10. Submit a Web Link
This menu item type displays a form that allows users in the Author, Publisher, and Editor groups to submit a web link. It is a very nice option because it allows users to also submit their web links from the front end. If logged-in users do not belong to the Author, Publisher, or Editor group, they will get the error shown in Figure 7-87 when they select this menu item type.
If a user belonging to any of those groups logs in, and the menu item is selected, a web link submission form will appear, as shown in Figure 7-88.
The user has to specify the title of the web link, a category to which the web link will belong, the URL of the web page or web site to be displayed (on selecting the menu item), and a small description of the web link. After entering the information as shown in Figure 7-88, the user needs to click the Save button to submit the web link to the web site.
11. Wrapper
This menu item type provides a layout that displays an external web site inside a page of your web site using an HTML frame. The external web site is contained inside the wrapper. You can move around to any web page of the wrapped site, all inside the page of your web site. When you move the mouse over this menu item type, you’ll see a message to this effect, as shown in Figure 7-89.
If you select the Wrapper type from the Select Menu Item Type screen, you’ll see, among other options, a field to specify the wrapper URL (the URL of the web site that you want to open in your web page). Let’s enter the URL, as shown in Figure 7-90.
Select the Scroll Bars Parameters tab to configure the wrapper. The tab displays the options shown in Figure 7-91. The Width and Height are for assigning the desired width and height to the web site that will be displayed. If the value of the Scroll Bars option is set to Auto, the scrollbars will appear only when some part of the web site is not visible. If you set the value of this option to Yes, scrollbars will always be displayed.
Keep the rest of the settings at their defaults and click the Save & Close icon from the toolbar to save the Wrapper menu item. Upon selecting the menu item type from your Joomla web site, you’ll find that the web site with the specified wrapper URL opens. You can navigate the pages of the external web site and see the contents of your web site simultaneously. The external web site appears in a frame of the given width and height, along with scrollbars.
Source: Harwani B M (2015), Foundations of Joomla!, Apress; 2nd ed edition