Images and Surfaces in Python

A Pygame Surface type represents an image. Images saved as files can be read in to a Pygame surface using the function pygame.image.load.

S = pygame.image.load(“image.png”)

There are other important functions to know about for images. There are others:

S.get _ size()             – gets the image size, as a tuple (x,y)

S.copy()                         – Returns a copy of S

S.fill (color)         – Fills the entire image with pixels of the specified color.

S.subsurface(r)          – Return a part of a bigger surface. The pixels are shared, so changes in one will be seen immediately in the other. The variable r is a tuple (x, y, width, height) that defines a rectangular region in S to return.

There is a module named transform that contains methods for modifying surfaces. The most important methods are

pygame.transform.scale( Surface, (width, height) )

pygame.transform.rotate(Surface, angle)

Let’s take a break from the paint program and do a quick example with im­ages. There is a file named “impression.jpg” that holds an impressionist image of a sunflower. It can be read into a Surface in a few lines of code and displayed within a short event loop. The image, named imgl, can be resized to be 100 x 100 pixels and drawn in a different location. Resizing is done as suggested above, using

img2 = pygame.transform.scale( img1, (100, 100) )

Finally, for this example, we’ll take a sub-image of imgland display it under the rescaled version:

img3 = img1.subsurface((200,200,200,200))

Each of these images can be displayed on the main Surface by blitting them to it as described above. The resulting canvas is shown in Figure 15.3.

import pygame

= pygame.display.set mode((1100, 900))

clock = pygame.time.Clock()


imgl = pygame.image.load(“impression.jpg”)

img2 = pygame.transform.scale( imgl, (100,100) )

img3 = img1.subsurface((200,200,200,200))

while True:



screen.blit(img1, (0,0))

screen.blit(img2, (730, 100))

screen.blit(img3, (730, 300))


Source: Parker James R. (2021), Python: An Introduction to Programming, Mercury Learning and Information; Second edition.

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