Reduction of an E-R and EER Diagram into Tables

To represent the database in tabular form, E-R diagrams have to be reduced in tables.

For each entity set, make different table and for each relationship set make a different table.

1. Reduction of Strong Entity Sets into Tables

For a strong entity set E with attributes a1, a2, …, an, make a table having same name as of entity set E and having n number of columns or table name is equal to entity set name and number of columns is equal to number of attributes. Consider the Figure 2.20 having strong entity  set  Department  with  two  attributes Dept-ID  and  Dept-name.

The corresponding table is shown in Figure 2.21 with table name Department and two columns, Dept_ID and Dept_name.

2. Reduction of Composite Attributes

For a composite attribute, create a separate column for each component attribute or parts of composite attributes. Consider the example shown in Figure 2.20. The Name is a composite attribute with three component attributes First, Middle and Last. So, make three columns First-name, Middle-name and  Last-name. The corresponding  table is shown  in Figure 2.22.

3. Reduction of Multi-valued Attributes

For multi-valued attributes, make a separate table with columns C1 which represent the primary key of entity set or relationship set and with columns C2 which represent the multi-valued attributes. Rows are equal to total number of values of that attribute. Consider Figure 2.20 in which Phone-No. is multi-valued attribute. So, make a table with two columns, one is Emp-ID (primary key of Employee) and second is Phone-No. (multi-valued attribute). Give any name to that table. The table is shown in Figure 2.23. If any employee has two phone numbers then  it  is possible  to  make two  different  entries  in table  and  so on.

4. Reduction of Weak Entity Sets

Let A be the weak entity set and B be the strong entity set on which A depends. Then, it is possible to make a table with table name as of Weak Entity Set having columns equal to the attributes of Weak Entity set plus Primary Key of the Strong Entity set on which Weak Entity Set depends. Consider the E-R diagram shown in Figure 2.24, in which Payment is a Weak entity set that depends upon Loan entity set. So, make a table with table name Payment having four  columns  as  shown  in  Figure  2.25.

5. Reduction of Relationship Sets

Let R be the relationship set and E1, E2, …, EN be the entity sets participating in R. Make a table with table name as of Relationship Set having columns equal to number of attributes in relationship  set  (descriptive attributes)  and  primary keys  of  all participating  entity  sets.

Consider the ER diagram shown in Figure 2.20, having relationship set works-in having two participating entity sets, Employee and Department. The corresponding table is shown in Figure  2.26.

(i)    Redundant Tables

The relationship set between weak and strong entity sets are treated specially. Consider the E-R diagram shown in Figure 2.24, where weak entity set, Payment depends on strong entity set Loan having relationship set loan-payment. Primary key of Entity set Loan is [loan-number] and of Weak entity set is [loan-number, payment-number]. Table of entity set Payment has four attributes [loan-number, payment-number, Payment-date, payment-amount]. If you make table of relationship set loan-payment then it contains attributes [loan-number, payment-number]. This combination is already present in table of Payment. Even, there are no descriptive  attributes.  So,  this table  is  redundant  and discard  it.

(ii)    Combination of Tables

Consider two entity sets X and Y connecting with relationship set XY. The n, three tables named X, Y and XY have to be made. If cardinality ratio between X and Y is many-to-many and X is totally participated then, combine tables X and XY. Consider the E-R diagram shown in Figure 2.27, having two entity sets, Customer and Loan. The relationship is many- to-many because a customer can take many loans and a single loan can be taken by more than one customer or joint loan. Loan entity set is totally participated because every loan refers to some customer. So, combine tables Loan and Borrower. But loan cannot exist with any customer  so  two  tables  are  needed  i.e.,

  • Loan [loan-number, amount, customer-ID, Income]
  • Customer [Customer-ID, Name]

6. Reduction of Generalization

In generalizations, higher level entity sets and lower level entity sets are considered. Make a table for higher level entity set with all its attributes. For lower level entity set, make a table with all its attributes with primary key attributes of its higher level entity set. Consider E-R diagram shown in Figure 2.20, in which Employee is high level entity set and Full Time Employee and Part Time Employee are two lower level entity sets. So, make three tables as given below:

  • Employee [Emp-ID, Dept-ID, First-Name, Middle-Name, Last-Name, Salary]
  • Full Time Employee [Emp-ID, Qualification]
  • Part Time Employee [Emp-ID, Hours-Worked]

7. Reduction of Aggregation

Reduction of aggregation into tables is simple. Consider the   E-R   diagram   shown   in Figure 2.19. For all entity sets, make tables as discussed earlier. For making tables for relationship sets, consider the same approach as discussed earlier. Take an example of relationship set Manages. Make a table manages with all descriptive attributes, primary key of entity  set  Manager  and  the  relationship  set  works-on.


Problem 1. Construct an E-R diagram for a hospital with a set of patients and a set of medical doctors. Associate with each patient, a log of various tests and examinations conducted. Construct the appropriate tables for this E-R diagram and list the tables with their attributes,  primary  key  and  foreign  keys.

Solution. The  E-R diagram  is shown  in Figure  2.28.

The Tables are as follows :

Patient (Pat-ID, name, address, admitted-date, check-out-date, room-no., bed-no., ward-no, doc-ID)

Ward (Ward-no., name, capacity)

Doctor (Doc-ID, name, fee, specialization)

Test (Test-ID, name, date, time, result, Pat-ID)

Primary key is shown by    .

Foreign key is shown by__.

Problem 2. The people’s Bank offers five type of accounts : Loan, checking, premium savings, daily interest saving, and money market. It operates a number of branches and a client of bank can have any number of account. Accounts can be joint i.e., more than one client may be able to operate a given accounts. Identify the entries of interest and show their attribute. What relationship exists among these entities? Draw the corresponding E-R diagram.

Solution. The  E-R diagram  is shown  in Figure  2.29.

The Entities are as follows:

Account (Account-no, Account-type, Balance)

Branch (Branch-ID, Branch-address, Branch-name)

Transaction (Transaction-ID, Amount, Date, Type)

Client (Account-No., Name, Age, Address)

Relationships are Account-Branch, Account-Transaction, Account-Client.

Problem 3. Draw an entity-Relationship diagram of a manufacturing company which records information about the projects it has on hand, the parts used in projects, the suppliers who supply the parts, the warehouses in which those parts are stored, the employees who work on  these  projects.

Solution. The  E-R diagram  is shown  in Figure  2.30.

Problem 4. A chemical or set of chemicals gives rise to another chemical or set of chemicals, when  reacts  under  no  condition  or  a  set of  conditions.

For example, Methane and Chlorine gives rise to Chloromethane when exposed to light. Here Methane and Chlorine are the reactants, which when under condition “Exposure to sunlight” giving  Chloromethane  as  product.

Similarly, reaction of Water and Sodium gives Sodium Hydroxide and Hydrogen and no condition is  required.

There are numerous reactions possible and each reactions has to be given a reaction number. Each  chemical and  condition  has to  be given  a  code.

Answer the following :

  • Identify the entities in the above
  • Identify the attributes of  the entities  identified in  (i)
  • Identify relations and their cardinalities
  • Draw E-R diagram for the above system.


  • Entities are Chemical, Condition and Reaction
  • Attributes of these entities are

Chemical (Chem-code, name, color, state)

Condition (Cond-Code, details)

Reaction (Reac-number, Reaction-Type)

  • Relations between these entities are

ON (between Chemical and Condition)

RESULTS (between Condition and Reaction)

PRODUCE (between Reaction and Chemical)

Many-to-Many cardinalities exist  between all  the above  entities.

  • The E-R diagram is shown in Figure  31.

Problem 5. In a manufacturing industry labourers are given different jobs on different days and each job has its own monthly basic and monthly DA rates as wages to be paid to labours. A labour is not given more than one type of job on a day. A database designer is given the job to design database for above situation and the designer designs one of the tables as :

Draw E-R diagram for above situation.

Solution. The  E-R diagram  is shown  in Figure  2.32.

Problem 6. Translate the given E-R diagram to relational schema.


Solution. ·

  • N is an entity, so we will create a table for it: N(c, d).
  • P is an entity, so we will create a table for it: P(h, g).
  • Since M is a weak entity, we will create one table for it and R, which contains the key of N as a key: M_R(a, b, c), where c is a foreign key of N. Because R is a weak entity, we must delete a M_R tuple if the corresponding N tuples
  • Now we create a relation for O, which must include the key of M. The key of M includes the key of N since it is a weak entity, resulting in: O(e, a, c), where a and c are a foreign key of M_R. Note that technically speaking c is really a foreign key of N, but since the requirements are that you must refer to the entire key of a table, we must have it refer to M_R’s key, rather than N’s.
  • S is a many to many relationship, so we will create a table for it which includes the attributes of S and the keys of O and P, which together form the primary key of S: S(f, a, c, g), where a and c are foreign key references to O, and g is a foreign key reference  to  P.


Problem 7. Consider the following E-R diagram:

  1. This diagram presents two conflicting rules that apply to whether N should be represented by its own table in the  relational What  are they?
  2. Which one would you use and why?


(a) The two rules are:

  1. M is a weak entity dependant on N
  2. N is the many side of a many to one relationship (S – denoted by the arrow) so N and S should be represented by the same relation in the relational schema.

(b) Because M is a weak entity, we have no choice on how to model it; it must include the information about N’s The choice is what do we do about NS. If we follow  both  rules,  we  have the  relations:

  1. NS(b, e, c) – note that c is not needed as part of a key because we know which S relationship we are referring to based only on the many side of the relationship (N)
  2. MR(a, b, d) – with a foreign key to NS
  3. O(c, f)

which would mean that the concept of MR depends now on NS, not just on N. On the one hand, one could argue that this isn’t a For one thing, it’d be worse if c were part of the key of NS, but it isn’t. Besides, this makes for smaller numbers of tables, and less duplication. Since we have the fact that there is total participation for N in S (denoted by the thick line from N to S), there aren’t going to be any null values. So combining them. On the other hand, we now have  the fact  that  depends  on the  relationship  with  S.

Problem 8. Convert the following ER – diagram into a relational database (the primary keys are  underlined):

 Solution. The  relational  database schema  for  the given  ER  diagram  is as  follows:

A(a1, b1, a2, a3)

B(b1, b2, b3, b4)

C(b1, c2)

D(b1, c1, r21)

Problem 9. Map the following ER diagram to a relational database. Give the relation names and attributes in them. Also mention the primary key and foreign keys if any for each table.

Solution. The following relations with attribute names are obtained from the given ER Diagram. The primary keys are underlined and Foreign keys are defined with each relation.

Parts(P#, Name, Color ). There is no Foreign Key.

Supplier(S#, Name, Address). There is no Foreign Key.

Can_Supply(P#, S#, QTY).  P# references  Parts.P# and S#  references Supplier.S#.

Supplies(P#, S#, Qty, Price). P# references Parts.P# and S# references Supplier.S#.

Problem 10. Consider the following ER diagram:

where A, B and C are entity sets.

  1. Specify the condition(s) that is(are) necessary in order to represent all three sets with a single table.
  2. Specify the condition(s) that is(are) necessary in order to represent all three sets with two tables, one for B and one for C.

Solution. 1. The  ISA relationship  must be  disjoint.

B and C must have the same attributes.

    1. The ISA relationship must be total.

Problem 11. Suppose we define a database about the customers of a bank and the loans they have received from the bank. For each customer we need to record information about their name, address, phone number and the company they work for. For each loan we need to record the amount, the interest rate, date the loan was issued, and the date the loan should be  paid  off.

  • Is it a good idea to represent the company for which a customer works as an attribute of the customer or as a relationship? Briefly justify your answer.
  • Which is the best way to represent the relationship between the customer and their loans:
    • by defining the loan as an attribute of the customer, or
    • by making the loan a separate entity set and defining a relationship set between it and the customer?

Briefly justify your answer.

Solution. (i) The company should be an attribute of the customer, assuming each customer works for a single company. We don’t need to keep any information for each company.

     (ii) The loan should be a separate entity set associated with a customer through a relationship.


  • A customer may have more  than one loans.
  • A loan has additional information on its own.

Problem 12. (a) Construct an E-R diagram for the following description. Design a database for the reservation office of a bus company.

  • Each bus has a unique We also store its class and capacity.
  • Each place has a unique name and location information of the latitude and longitude.
  • Routes have a starting place and an ending place; also, some of them have several intermediate places.
  • A number of buses are scheduled to a A bus is assigned to one schedule; some buses can have multiple schedule. We store the date and starting time of each schedule.
  • A member of our company can book a bus by specifying a We store a unique id, first name,  and last  name of  each member.
  • For each reservation, credit card number, the number of passengers, and the reservation datetime are stored.

(b) Convert  your E-R  diagram into  a relational  schema.

Solution. (a) The ER diagram is given below.

(b)The corresponding relational schema is as follows:

place(name, latitude, longitude)

route(route#) starting_place(route#, name)

ending_place(route#, name)

intermediate_place(route#, name)

schedule(route#, day, starting_time)

bus(bus#, class,capacity)

assignment(route#, day, starting_time, bus#)

member(id, first_name,  last_name)

reservation(id, route#, day, starting_time, credit_card#, passengers, reserve_datetime)

Problem 13. Consider the following Entity/Relationship diagram:

Which of the following statements are true according to this Entity/Relationship diagram?

  1. Each department must be in exactly one
  2. A university may have no
  3. No two departments can have the same
  4. No two universities can have the same
  5. A professor can be president of more than 1
  6. A university can have no
  7. A department can have no
  8. A professor can be chair of more than one
  9. There cannot be two universities in the same
  10. Two departments with the same name must not be in two different universities.

Solution.1. True 2. True 3. False 4. True 5. False 6. False 7. True 8. True 9. False 10. False

Problem 14. Consider the following ER diagram:

Which of the following cardinalities is valid for the entity sets? Do not guess. There is one point for each correct answer, –1 for each incorrect answer, and 0 points if you leave the answer blank.

1. |X| = 0, |Y | = 0, |Z| = 0.
2. |X| = 0, |Y | = 0, |Z| = 8.
3. |X| = 5, |Y | = 5, |Z| = 0.
4. |X| = 3, |Y | = 3, |Z| = 6.
5. |X| = 2, |Y | = 0, |Z| = 0.
6. |X| = 0, |Y | = 5, |Z| = 5

Solution. 1. Valid 2. Invalid 3. Valid 4. Valid 5. Valid 6. Invalid

Problem 15. You have been tasked with designing a database for the Indian Census department to store all of their data, past and future. The database must conform to these constraints:

  1. There has been a census every 10 The year of each census is unique to that census. There are also  some notes  as  well as  the total  population of  the  India.
  2. Each state has a unique name, and a value for its square Every state participates individually in every  census,  providing  its  population.
  3. Every person has a unique SSN, as well as a name and Each person participates in every  census  by  providing  their  age.
  4. An address has a unique identifier, as well as a street name, city, state, and
  5. A person lives at only  one
  1. Draw an ER diagram for this Be sure to mark the multiplicity of each relationship (1-1, 1-many, many-many, etc) of the diagram. Decide the key attributes and identify them on the diagram by underlining them. State all assumptions you make.
  2. Translate your ER diagram into a relational Select approaches that yield the fewest number of relations; merge relations where appropriate. Specify the key of each relation in your schema. If the names of your foreign keys do not match the primary key name, please state the link in your assumptions.

Solution. (a)

(b) Census(CensusYear, Notes, INPopulation);

State(StateName, Area);

StateParticipate(StateName, CensusYear, statepopulation);

Person(SSN, Name, Birthday, AddressID);

PersonParticipate(SSN, CensusYear, PersonAge);

Address(AddressID, Street, City, State, ZipCode).

Problem 16. Translate your Entity-Relationship Model (ER Diagram) into a logical model (DB Schema). For each relation in your schema, provide its name, attributes and keys (underlined attributes).Translate your Entity-Relationship Model (ER Diagram) from the question above into a logical model (DB Schema). For each relation in your schema, provide its name, attributes and keys (underlined attributes).

Problem 17. Consider an application that needs to manage data for a travel agency. It needs to  store  the  following  entities and  relationships:

  • Hotels: have attributes name, address, price
  • Resorts: are Hotels, that  also have  an attribute  minimum-stay
  • Activities: have attributes name, season
  • Has: is a relationship between  Resorts and Activities

Solution. Assumption: activities are uniquely identified their names (you could make other assumptions; it’s O.K. as long as you stated them clearly).

Problem 18. Design an E/R diagram for an application domain consisting of the following entity sets:

  • Attributes: name, budget
  • Attributes: team_name
  • Attributes: name, phone_number
  • Attributes: name, phone_number, hourly_rate

And the following relationships:

  • Each team works on one or more
  • Each project has an auditor, who is an employee
  • Consultants are employees

Your answer should consist of an E/R diagram with entity sets, attributes (make sure you create appropriate keys: you may incorporate new attributes if needed), relationships, and inheritance.

The E/R diagram shown below is for the following scenario: A publishing company produces academic books on various subjects. Authors who specialise in one or more particular subject write books. The company employs a number of editors who do not have particular specializations but who take sole responsibility for editing one or more publications. A publication covers a single subject area but may be written by one or more author – the contribution of each author is recorded as a percentage for the purposes of calculating royalties. Give a reason about which relation has the incorrect cardinality in the E/R diagram.

Solution. From the specification, “…[Editors] take sole responsibility for editing one or more publications…”. Thus an editor can edit more than one publication (one to many), but each publication has only a single editor. Thus the relationship for “edits” should be one to many, not many to  many.

Source: Gupta Satinder Bal, Mittal Aditya (2017), Introduction to Database Management System, 2nd Edition-University Science Press (2017)

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