This menu item type is used for displaying articles in list layout format. In this format, all the articles in the category are displayed in a list from which a visitor can select any article title to see its contents.
Open the New Electronics Among Cameras And Cell Phones menu item in edit mode. From the Menu Item Type combo box, select the Category List menu item type option. From the Choose A Category combo box, select Cell Phone to display its articles (see Figure 7-36).
To configure the Category List menu item type, click the List Layouts tab. You see the fields shown in Figure 7-37.
Set Table Headings to Show to display the column headings in the article list table. The Show Date field determines whether to display the date on which the article was created. In the Date Format field, specify the format in which you want to see the creation date for articles. Usually this field is left blank because the default date format is taken from the language file.
In the Filter Field drop-down list, specify the field name you prefer to be used for filtering the articles. The options are Title, Author, and Hits. Set the value of this field to Title if you want the keyword entered in the Title Filter box to be searched among the titles of the articles (i.e., the articles with titles matching the keyword entered in the Title Filter box will be displayed). Leaving the values of other fields to their default, click the Save & Close icon to save the changes.
When you open your Joomla web site and click the menu item New Electronics Among Cameras And Cell Phones, the browser window will display the list of articles, as shown in Figure 7-38.
You can see the contents of any article by selecting its title. For example, if you select “Autotracking Cell Phones,” you’ll see the contents shown in Figure 7-39.
Source: Harwani B M (2015), Foundations of Joomla!, Apress; 2nd ed edition