You can load a web page in the browser’s window using the showDocument() method on the AppletContext object. It takes the following forms:
void showDocument(URL url)
void showDocument(URL url, String targetWindow)
The first form takes a URL argument and loads it in the current window. The second form allows us to load the URL in the specified window. The second argument can have the following values:
- _blank — Loads the URL in a new unnamed window
- targetWindow — Loads the URL in the window having the name targetWindow
- _self — Loads the URL in the window containing this applet
- _parent — Loads the URL of the parent window containing this applet
- top — Loads the URL in the top-level window.
The following applet loads the URL in the applet’s window.
/ import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class LoadDemo extends Applet {
AppletContext ac; URL url; public void start() {
ac = getAppletContext();
url = getCodeBase();
public void paint(Graphics g) {
try {
ac.showDocument(new URL(“”));
}catch(Exception e) {showStatus(“URL not found”);}
The following applet declaration results in the output as shown in Figure 16.19:
<applet code=”LoadDemo” width=”200″ height=”80″>
Figure 16.19: Loading a URL using applet
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Source: Uttam Kumar Roy (2015), Advanced Java programming, Oxford University Press.